Blog 2015

Website of the Finance Research Platform Graz online!


I am pleased to announce that the website of the Finance Research Platform Graz (FiRe) is now online under Let me know what you think and of course get in touch if you want to attend platform events or are thinking of possible cooperation projects!

Welcome Prof. Theissen, and first Research Day of the Finance Research Platform Graz


This week was the first time our newly appointed research Professor, Erik Theissen, who normally works at the University of Mannheim, joined us in Graz. Prof. Theissen has a five-year appointment at the University of Graz and will visit us about once a quarter to work on joint research. After he presented his own research agenda on Tuesday, Wednesday marked the first "Research Day" of the Finance Research Platform. We heard six great presentations and had animated discussions about different research approaches, study designs, motivations, and publication strategies. 

Overall,  the participants' feedback was very positive and we created momentum which we will carry over into our research work. I wish to thank all the participants for their presentations and their input into the discussion! I also look forward to Prof. Theissen's next visit (December) and our next research day (probably February).

Sightseeing in Graz


I just created a map for a colleague who will be visiting Graz and was asking for directions for a stroll around town. If you are also thinking of visiting Graz - feel free to follow my suggestions!

"Two heads are less bubbly than one" prezified


I recently stumbled over a Prezi I created a while ago to present my 2012 Experimental Economics paper co-authored with Stephen Cheung. Have fun checking it out!

Cheung, S. L., Palan, S., 2012. Two Heads are Less Bubbly than One. Team Decision-Making in an Experimental Asset Market, Experimental Economics 15(3), 373–397, DOI: 10.1007/s10683-011-9304-6.

Newest GIMS version supports trading in multiple assets


I have just posted the latest version of my free, open-source asset pricing program GIMS. Version 7.2 supports trading in multiple markets/assets and offers a new results screen for the sealed bid-offer call auction practice period. If you are interested, check out my GIMS download page, where you can find the software including all documentation. Do not hesitate to mail me with questions and feedback!

Experimental Finance 2015 beats all records


With more than 100 participants after last year's 62, this year's Experimental Finance conference beat all our expectations. We had 68 presentations, plus two keynotes by Nobel prize winner Vernon Smith and co-editor of the Journal of Finance Bruno Biais, respectively. Thanks to the organizers Sascha Füllbrunn, Utz Weitzel and Michael Kirchler for the beautiful venue, perfect service and smooth organization!

Scary news about scientific integrity [German]


Michael Kirchler recently made me aware of a new [German] article on scientific integrity, published in "Die Zeit": Scary stuff... We definitely need more replication studies to ensure proper conduct!

Journal of Economic Surveys article receives high marks


I was recently made aware that my article in the Journal of Economic Surveys has been highly ranked in a number of categories. See the Altimetric patch to the right for details. Thanks to all readers and citers, and a special thanks to Charles Noussair and Steve Tucker for editing the special issue this article was published in!

Palan, S., 2013. A Review of Bubbles and Crashes in Experimental Asset Markets, Journal of Economic Surveys 27(3), 570–588, DOI: 10.1111/joes.12023.